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Film Analysis #1



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Narrative of This is England is based around 1980's England, the time director Shane Meadows was growing up. The trend of 'Skin Heads' in the 80's was big and is why it is a main issue in this film. It does not follow narrative theories to the book but still has characteristics of it. Such as Vladimir Propps theory.

This is England follows Propps theory however minimally. The theory starts with Shaun getting into a fight in school after someone makes jokes about his father dying in the Fawklands War. He meets Woody a man who helps him during his rough day he is the Donor in this movie. Later on in the film Shaun the protagonist meets Combo a English Nationalist who claims he can see some of him in Shaun. He is the False hero in the film as he originally acts as a mentor figure. However this all changes when he beats up Milky while he was talking about his family. Shaun left distraught from the experience leaves Combo and overall realises he doesn't want to be an English Nationalist and throws the English Flag into the ocean. This potentially shows that being a "Skin Head" was the villain in the film overall.

This is England is one of the most infamous Social Realism films created by Shane Meadows.  "Skin heads" who express nationalistic and racist views. Released in 2006 this film gives an indication into the life of "skin heads" and the struggles that those living in hard times face and views on race and class in the 80s. 

Most of the camera angles are shot in perspective of Shaun, the main protagonist and the youngest of the "skinheads." Including low and high angle shots, highlighting his youth and low rank in the hierarchy.

Recording camera techniques look like old camera to fit in with the film period the 1980’s. The fact the camera techniques are represented as natural means there are no major camera techniques used such as â€˜Birds eye view shots’ adding to the realism. However pans and tracking are used as well as establishing shots, to tell the audience where the film is set etc.

The editing, is also quite natural in the fact it uses cuts. This also links in with the Social drama genre realism  as you’d expect this is how it was filmed, rather than a different genre film which you would expect to have dissolves and other editing techniques. Although the majority of the shots are real life recordings from the time period the film is set in, some visual effects look as though they could have been used as each shot could have been filmed and edited in a way so it does look natural. Also  although alot of the editing are cuts, at the beginning of the opening sequence is a montage. The use of this editing technique is sucessful as allows the opening sequence to flow.

Karl DeHavilland

Media Studies

A2 Portfolio

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