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Genre Study - Social Realism



Social Realism as a Genre is one of the more interesting ones to watch, because it is not just about that genre. Its also about incorporating other genres into the film also, with Films like on the Right. Four Lions has an aspect of comedy to it and KiDulthood and This is England have an aspect of Drama to it. I have noticed that these are some of the most successful and notable Social realism films that there are around in our current time, so if i wish to create a piece of work in this genre i will have to follow some things that they have done.


Some of the Generic conventions of the Social Realist Genre:

Non -Professional Actors

Semi-Improvised Scripts

Location Shooting

Wide Shots

Everyday Social Issues

Regional Identities



I will attempt to make sure that the majority of these Conventions are met and incooperated into out short film.

For instance, We have no choice but to use Non-Professional Actors as we have a short amount of time to get hold of some and use them on numerous days, so we shall be using some students from our school. One fo them has had some experience being in other student projects so he understood the process a bit easier.


The original script was improvised at the stages of development, especially during shooting, whem the actors actually had the conversations, in a way, we made it up on the spot. It worked for the majority of filming but the main scene when he gets revealed we had to go in knowing what they were going to say so we spend a while before going out and shooting that day on improvising the script and making it more real life.


Being a amatuer student project we had to shoot on location, and although this can effect our sound and lighting within the scene, it makes it more real life and can be visually better sometimes, especially in social realism. The majority of the films in the genre are shoot on location rather than with green screnes and Hand-made sets. 


In all social realism films, they also use wide shots a lot. This is a great way of identifying the setting and in some cases creates a more artistic shot. The framing of the camera allows for it to create tension during the scene being able to see all at once. It gives it a more real life feel for the audience to feel as if they are a part of it watching from a distance. We want give the same feel to our film and use the wide angle shots with the intension of making the audience a part of it.


When thinking of a storylie for our own project we looked at other social realism films, and tried to think of something slightly different but something that would still be easy to feel a part of, we then went online and researched a bit and and this is where we found the ideas of a film about stalking. it was one of the highest results when searching for social issues in modern times. With it now being much easier due to advancements in technologies, it is social media that has been a big problem in the real life stalking issues, so we will definatey be using this idea within our film, either Facebook or the others but also the new 'Find My Friends' app on iPhone.


The final big convention of Social Realism genre is the idea of regional identities, this is where most conflict comes from. Ideally we would use at least one different regional idenitity, usually the villain(which we would use if we had the time to arrange an actor.) But we had already found our actor to play the part as the stalker, he is exactly the type of person we were looking for, he had some prior experince in a film so we wanted to use him as well to make production easier.

Karl DeHavilland

Media Studies

A2 Portfolio

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